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I'm always  extremely honoured to undertake private commissions for my wonderful art collectors. <\/p>

My most recent being for clients whom had seen my work 10 years ago online but had never forgot it. They didn't remember my name but apparently after 6 months of online searching managed to track me down via social media. The process after that was fairly simple and involved a few emails to work out colours, their favourite artworks  of mine for inspiration & composition in relation to where the painting would be placed in the house. After that I had carte blanche, which is an artists dream commission.' Ephemeral' was born and delivered to it's forever home in Christchurch.<\/p>

Another recent commission was from a client who saw my work 8 years ago at an art show, so when their grandmother passed more recently they used the inheritance to honour their beloved grandmother with one of my paintings. The inspiration would be the family farm trees painted in her favourite colour palette. It was a wonderful creative challenge and a privilege to paint. I've been told 'Betty's Branches' (shown above), in Auckland, will stay in the family to be handed down from generation to generation. <\/p>

The fact that both of these recent commissions came to me years after they had seen my work was utterly touching and heartfelt. It's the ultimate compliment to know that your work has had such a deeply profound effect on someone that they've never forgotten about the way your painting made them feel, even many years later. This right here is what artists dream of and why I paint. <\/p>

So please feel free to contact me about any specific commission you have in mind and we can work out exactly what you would like in order to brighten up a space in your home. <\/p>", "text_style": "body" } }, "template--19207672496477__769bdc6c-b450-4acc-8792-6fe896619832-16891568948e2cbdc8-2": { "type": "button", "settings": { "button_label": "", "button_link": "" } } }, "block_order": [ "template--19207672496477__769bdc6c-b450-4acc-8792-6fe896619832-16891568948e2cbdc8-0", "template--19207672496477__769bdc6c-b450-4acc-8792-6fe896619832-16891568948e2cbdc8-1", "template--19207672496477__769bdc6c-b450-4acc-8792-6fe896619832-16891568948e2cbdc8-2" ], "settings": { "image": "shopify:\/\/shop_images\/brushes_by_window.jpg", "height": "adapt", "desktop_image_width": "medium", "layout": "text_first", "desktop_content_position": "top", "desktop_content_alignment": "left", "content_layout": "no-overlap", "color_scheme": "", "image_behavior": "none", "mobile_content_alignment": "left", "padding_top": 36, "padding_bottom": 36 } }, "0008bfa1-6431-47a8-8d34-f4e1d12c9a77": { "type": "image-with-text", "blocks": { "template--19207672496477__0008bfa1-6431-47a8-8d34-f4e1d12c9a77-16891568948e2cbdc8-0": { "type": "heading", "settings": { "heading": "The Commission Proccess", "heading_size": "h2" } }, "template--19207672496477__0008bfa1-6431-47a8-8d34-f4e1d12c9a77-16891568948e2cbdc8-1": { "type": "text", "settings": { "text": "

Ideally the commissioned piece you have in mind will have meaning for you and also be keeping with my usual subject matter of a group of trees or tree-scapes. I'm also open to highly floral gardens surrounded by trees.<\/p>

Once the details have been finalised and a 20% deposit paid to secure your commitment to the project, the turnaround is about 3 - 4 weeks plus shipping.<\/p>

Prices are based on my current rate of NZD$4000 p\/m2.<\/p>

Please get in touch if you have any questions regarding this process.<\/p>", "text_style": "body" } }, "template--19207672496477__0008bfa1-6431-47a8-8d34-f4e1d12c9a77-16891568948e2cbdc8-2": { "type": "button", "settings": { "button_label": "CONTACT", "button_link": "shopify:\/\/pages\/contact" } } }, "block_order": [ "template--19207672496477__0008bfa1-6431-47a8-8d34-f4e1d12c9a77-16891568948e2cbdc8-0", "template--19207672496477__0008bfa1-6431-47a8-8d34-f4e1d12c9a77-16891568948e2cbdc8-1", "template--19207672496477__0008bfa1-6431-47a8-8d34-f4e1d12c9a77-16891568948e2cbdc8-2" ], "settings": { "image": "shopify:\/\/shop_images\/PAINTS.jpg", "height": "adapt", "desktop_image_width": "medium", "layout": "image_first", "desktop_content_position": "top", "desktop_content_alignment": "left", "content_layout": "no-overlap", "color_scheme": "", "image_behavior": "none", "mobile_content_alignment": "left", "padding_top": 36, "padding_bottom": 36 } }, "509064de-5f64-4df4-b3b3-89cd51422e33": { "type": "rich-text", "blocks": { "template--19207672496477__509064de-5f64-4df4-b3b3-89cd51422e33-16891508130817f5ea-0": { "type": "heading", "settings": { "heading": "Collector Testimonials and Feedback", "heading_size": "h2" } }, "template--19207672496477__509064de-5f64-4df4-b3b3-89cd51422e33-16891508130817f5ea-1": { "type": "text", "settings": { "text": "

J Gasson, Wellington <\/strong>- 'Your painting is glorious!!!  I look at it every day - it's taken over the hot spot in the house - I feel hope, joy and a wonderful connection to this piece.  Like magic.  I don't know how it has this effect on me or what the trick is but it's there, and I don't want to pick it apart I just want to soak it up and appreciate what it brings. So thank you Alex. I have a spring back in my step and inspiration to turn my house into a place I want to be in - which it's really not been for months!!!'<\/em><\/p>

G Gibson, Christchurch <\/strong>- <\/strong>'As I write this I am standing in front of our fire and admiring the painting - it still brings a smile to my face every day, and always garners comments when art lovers come to visit.<\/em><\/p>

I first became aware of Alex and her work around 2011 and somehow that first impression stayed with me. Fast forward to 2021, and I was delighted to have ‘rediscovered’ her to discuss a commission. I could just sense from my first interactions with Alex that our project was going to be a success. Her communication is friendly and transparent. She listened carefully to our brief, and was very helpful with giving information on her process, and providing feedback and updates as we went.<\/em><\/p>

From concept through to completion, the commission process was very smooth, and I have to say we could not be happier with the result. Our piece sits proudly in our living room. It still brings a smile to my face every time I glance upon it, and instantly transports me into the mountains. Her art is captivating.'<\/em><\/p>

E Calvert, Auckland <\/strong>- 'It’s beautiful, Alex! Thank you, we love it. So exciting to see it in person and hang it up to brighten our every day! What a great winter addition to our home! Again, thank you so much, Alex!'<\/em><\/p>

I secretly (not so secretly!) hope we can do this again sometime in the future! Love your work and loved communicating with you. It's been a pleasure all round!'<\/em><\/p>

W Kennedy, Christchurch <\/strong>- ‘The painting is just fabulous - we hung it as soon as we received it and it looks even better than I envisaged it. Thank you. PS:  I quietly congratulated myself on my good eye!’ <\/em><\/p>

 V Cheng, Wellington<\/strong> – ‘The painting looks absolutely amazing and we’re both so pleased with it. We’ve already had lots of comments about it from visitors.’ <\/em><\/p>

H Crawford, Auckland<\/strong> – ‘Painting received with thanks. Extremely happy with how it looks in person.  Thanks and look forward to seeing your new works.’  <\/em><\/p>

C He, Auckland<\/strong> – ‘I am really pleased with your art, it looks better than photo as you said. I am going to hang it on the wall of my dining area, the colours are fantastic! Thank you.’ <\/em><\/p>

 M Douche, Christchurch<\/strong> – ‘Yes got the painting, it arrived the day I called the courier company. I love it. Have it hanging in the dining room.’ <\/em><\/p>

J Caldwell, Matamata<\/strong> – ‘Absolutely perfect, am thrilled!’.  <\/em><\/p>

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Have a question? Feel free to send a message to my studio with any questions, comments, commission requests, or just to share your stories! My little fur-buddy Millau and I would love to hear from you.<\/p>", "text_style": "body" } }, "template--19207672496477__c3743b9a-87a7-4cf2-a4d4-d63266349779-168840151577a51970-2": { "type": "button", "disabled": true, "settings": { "button_label": "Button label", "button_link": "" } } }, "block_order": [ "template--19207672496477__c3743b9a-87a7-4cf2-a4d4-d63266349779-168840151577a51970-0", "template--19207672496477__c3743b9a-87a7-4cf2-a4d4-d63266349779-168840151577a51970-1", "template--19207672496477__c3743b9a-87a7-4cf2-a4d4-d63266349779-168840151577a51970-2" ], "settings": { "image": "shopify:\/\/shop_images\/IMG_2344.jpg", "height": "medium", "desktop_image_width": "medium", "layout": "image_first", "desktop_content_position": "middle", "desktop_content_alignment": "center", "content_layout": "no-overlap", "color_scheme": "", "image_behavior": "none", "mobile_content_alignment": "left", "padding_top": 36, "padding_bottom": 36 } }, "form": { "type": "contact-form", "settings": { "heading": "Contact the Studio", "heading_size": "h2", "color_scheme": "background-1", "padding_top": 40, "padding_bottom": 68 } } }, "order": [ "main", "0d58f745-335d-4756-854c-4111aea66ab8", "769bdc6c-b450-4acc-8792-6fe896619832", "0008bfa1-6431-47a8-8d34-f4e1d12c9a77", "509064de-5f64-4df4-b3b3-89cd51422e33", "c3743b9a-87a7-4cf2-a4d4-d63266349779", "form" ] }